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On-Campus Confidential Reporting Resources

Persons who have experienced prohibited forms of sexual harassment may share information confidentially with designated confidential employees on campus who cannot reveal identifying information to any third party unless one or more of the following conditions is present:

  • The individual has provided written consent to disclose information;
  • There is a concern about imminent harm to self or others;
  • The information concerns the neglect or abuse of someone who is a minor, elderly, or disabled; or
  • An employee is responsible for providing non-identifiable information for purposes of the Clery Act.

GCC Wellness Services

A GCC Learning Support Counselor (licensed mental health professional) is available for one-on-one short term supportive counseling, web-based counseling tips, and mental health information and resources. This service is available to all current GCC students at no cost. If a student desires long-term counseling or additional support services, referrals can be made to behavioral health providers in the local community. Visit the Wellness Center to learn more.

Off-Campus Confidential Reporting Resources