I really wasn’t sure where to start with this assignment. I messed around practicing using lines and beziers for a while. I still ended up not being sure about how I was going to apply these to the assignment. So I actually just started coding and added/removed things as I went along. After I had a few things down I was able to see what would go well together. I used purple, dark red, and teal for this assignment. I stayed away from vertexes here because I thought all three being line, vertex, and bezier would be a lot. I just used lines and beziers because I thought I could do more with them than with vertexes.  I feel as if I was able to use my color palette well, even changing up the background from time to time to reflect on the colors. I really like symmetry in my work and I do have to mention it was quite difficult using symmetry with beziers. Nonetheless, I believe the images are in-sync with each other’s style.

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