Common Bearberry
Arctostaphylos Arctostaphylos uva-ursi
Kingdom: Plantae
Phylum: Angiosperm
Class: Dicot
Order: Ericales
Family: Arctostaphylos uva-ursi
Genus: Arctostaphylos
Species: Arctostaphylos uva-ursi
Where in the OLL?
- This plant is found in the Botanical Garden.
- Hardy shrub that does well as ground cover.
- Helps stabilize sandy soil, erosion resistant.
Plant growth form
- Shrub
- Perennial above-ground woody.
- Height of 5-12 inches, spread of 3-6 feet.
- Plant is a woody evergreen.
Flowers, fruits & pollinators
- Small, single flowers.
- Light pink or white.
- The plant flowers in May, and flowers persist until June.
- Perfect floral arrangement, in terminal clusters.
Ideal location, conditions & cultural needs
- Tolerates some shade, but prefers full sun.
- Requires well-draining, coarse, or sandy soil.
- Will not grow in wetlands or in clay.
- Prefers more acidic soil.
- Needs very little maintenance, basic weeding.
- Annual application of 10-10-10 fertilizer in spring increases growth.
Planning & maintenance
- Needs roughly 2-6 sq ft growing space.
- Very slow-growing, trimming usually not necessary.
- Will tolerate some clipping and trimming, and browsing from wildlife.
Cultivars & propagation
Pests & pathogens
- Bearberry has relatively few serious diseases.
- Susceptible to certain diseases and fungi if roots are too damp.
- Root rot, black mildew, leaf gall, leaf spot and rust.
- Bearberry does not generally have disease problems if kept dry.
- Wet bearberry may be moved, but roots do not tolerate disturbance well.
Landscape & ecosystem
- Adds ground cover, with flowers in the spring and bright red berries in late summer/fall.
- Pollinated by insects and some birds.
- Fruit are edible to many types of wildlife.
- Foliage may be browsed by deer.
Human uses
- In the past, plant may have been eaten or smoked by Blackfoot and Algonquin Indians.
- The berries may have been used for food, the dried leaves for pipe mixture.
- Fruit is said to be non-toxic but generally non-palatable.
- Due to a lack of current research, eating the berries is not advised.
- Large or moderate quantities of the leaf may contain toxins that can cause liver damage.
Plant catalogued by