Food PantryDonations The Corner Market Food Pantry aims to support student success by alleviating barriers associated with food access through immediate and long term resources available at GCC and in our community. On-campus resources include free monthly and weekly goods as well as a daily snack station to currently enrolled students and employees. All GCC students and staff are invited to stop by N220 to learn more. Students are also eligible for a limited amount of meal vouchers to use in Dining Commons during the semester. Sign up here prior to or during your first visit. If you are unable to visit during open hours, Monthly Grab & Go Bags are available at the GCC Library. If you cannot make it to campus, email for alternative arrangements. Food resources available in Greenfield can be found here or visit 413 Cares for additional local resources. Questions? Email We gladly accept donations to the Food Pantry! Please consider a monetary donation so we can buy more food according to our needs. Our GCC shopping wizards can work magic using money that you donate! Checks should be made out to the GCC Foundation with "Food Pantry" in the memo line. You can also make a donation online through the GCC Foundation. Donate to the Food Pantry Top 25 Food Pantry Needs Applesauce Boxed/instant/pouch potatoes Canned beans Canned chicken/turkey Canned fish (tuna/salmon) Canned meats (SPAM, hash, ham) Canned vegetables Cereal (please not sugary) Chili Cooking oils Crackers Dried beans Dried herbs and spices Fruit – canned or dried Granola bars Juice – bottles or boxes Mac & cheese box or cup Nuts Pasta, pasta sauce & ramen noodles Pasta bowls Personal care items Peanut butter Rice Soup/Stew – especially thick & hearty ones Reusable grocery bags (new/like new) Other donations welcome... Basic baking supplies Sugar, flour, etc. Cake mixes Brownie mixes Cookie mixes Chunky and hearty soups Jello/puddings Broth of all kinds Rice (white, brown, instant, long grain, short grain, etc.) Pasta of all varieties Dried beans and peas Condensed “cream of” soups Animal and graham crackers Kids snacks Adult snacks Spagetti-Os, ravioli, etc. Cereal Oatmeal Snack bars Cookies and crackers Beverages (coffee, tea, etc.) Tuna Canned meats Chicken Spam Hash Ham Mayonnaise, mustard, ketchup and condiments Pasta sauce Oils Juice Jelly or jam Basic spices (salt, pepper, etc.) Macaroni and cheese Ramen noodles Canned beans (black, white, kidney, fava, navy, etc.) Personal care items Shampoo/conditioner Bath soap Body wash Disposable flushable wipes Toothpaste Toothbrushes Deodorant Tampons Sanitary napkins/pads Razors Diapers Toilet paper Laundry detergent Eggs Frozen veggies Frozen pasta (tortellini, ravioli, etc.) Frozen waffles/pancakes Birthday cake candles Pet food (highly requested)