Institutional Review Board (IRB) The Institutional Review Board works to ensure that the college meets the objectives of protecting people’s privacy, health and safety, and people’s ability to participate voluntarily in human subject research. Are you planning research or conducting a survey? Follow STEPS 1-2-3 Step 1: Complete the Research Notification Form and answer the TWO questions on the form. Step 2: If indicated by Step 1, complete an Institutional Review Board Application. (Not all research needs an application, so check Step 1 first, and save yourself some time.) Step 3: Once you submit to the IRB, you’re done for the moment. The IRB will be in touch with you soon. Documents Research Notification Form Institutional Review Board Application Guidelines - Update in progress Request for Extension Consent Form Option 1 Consent Form Option 2 Consent Form Under Age 18 Addendum Belmont Report IRB members Trisha Bashford, Ph.D., Faculty Brian Kapitulik, Ph.D., Faculty Marie Breheny, Ph.D., Director of Assessment Josh Becker, Psy.D., Faculty Stacie Bosley, Ph.D., Professor of Economics, Hamline University Jennifer Burrill, M.S., Faculty, Alternate Chet Jordan, Ph.D., Provost, Alternate