STEM Summer Academy at GCC provides a FREE STEM course, activities, and advising to current and new STEM Majors.

The STEM Summer Academy at GCC 2024

This summer, SSA is funding free spaces in 6 summer courses for STEM majors.

Please see course listings and applicable majors below. Some of these courses are reserved entirely for STEM majors and others are a mixture of grant-funded seats for STEM majors and non-funded seats for other majors

Summer I — May 22-July 11

Code Title Credits  CRN
BIO 126 Biology I 4 72239
HUD 138 Algebra & College Success 4 72221
MAT 107 College Algebra 4 72209

Summer II — July 16-August 29

Code Title Credits CRN
PSY 217 Human Growth & Development 3 72732
MAT 120 Mathematical Problem Solving in STEM 4 72705
MAT 108 Precalculus 4 72708

Eligible STEM Majors:

Biology (BIO), Chemistry (CHE), Computer Science (CSC), Engineering Science (EGS), Health Science (LAH), Environmental Conservation (LEN1), Farm and Food Systems (LFF), Mathematics (LMA), Plant and Soil Science (LPL), Pre-nursing (NUC), Nursing (NUR), Practical Nursing (PNC), Science of Earth and the Environment (SEE)


SSA funded courses require a Grand Coordinator override to enroll.

Here is the process for registration:

  1. The student must email from their GCC email address once registration has opened on Wednesday, April 3rd
    • (If they email before that date, they will receive an automatic reply telling them to email again once registration is open- we cannot reserve seats before registration opens)
  2. Once the student emails their request, they will receive a link to a request form. They must fill out this form completely in order to register
  3. The student will receive a confirmation email when they have been registered, with their listed advisor attached.
    • (This is not an automated process, so please expect to wait 2-3 business days for this process)

Important Info:

  • Students may take one SSA funded course per semester. This means they can take one in Summer I and another in Summer II
  • Students must have their prerequisites in order (and overridden if necessary) before sending the request email
  • All seats in these courses are first-come, first-served: no seats can be reserved while waiting for documents or prerequisites
  • If there are no more grant-funded seats available, the coordinator will reach out to the student to inquire if they would like to register for a non-funded seat (if available) or join a waitlist.

Billing process for grant-funded seats:

The bursar will process the SSA grant waivers after the add/drop period (the first week of the course). If the student receives a bill before that date they should ignore it- if they accidentally pay the bill they will be refunded by the bursar (which can take a couple of weeks).

Please contact the SSA Team with any questions about this process at: