STEM Summer Academy at GCC provides a FREE STEM course, activities, and advising to current and new STEM Majors. The STEM Summer Academy at GCC 2024 This summer, SSA is funding free spaces in 6 summer courses for STEM majors. Please see course listings and applicable majors below. Some of these courses are reserved entirely for STEM majors and others are a mixture of grant-funded seats for STEM majors and non-funded seats for other majors Summer I — May 22-July 11 Code Title Credits CRN BIO 126 Biology I 4 72239 HUD 138 Algebra & College Success 4 72221 MAT 107 College Algebra 4 72209 Summer II — July 16-August 29 Code Title Credits CRN PSY 217 Human Growth & Development 3 72732 MAT 120 Mathematical Problem Solving in STEM 4 72705 MAT 108 Precalculus 4 72708 Eligible STEM Majors: Biology (BIO), Chemistry (CHE), Computer Science (CSC), Engineering Science (EGS), Health Science (LAH), Environmental Conservation (LEN1), Farm and Food Systems (LFF), Mathematics (LMA), Plant and Soil Science (LPL), Pre-nursing (NUC), Nursing (NUR), Practical Nursing (PNC), Science of Earth and the Environment (SEE) Process: SSA funded courses require a Grand Coordinator override to enroll. Here is the process for registration: The student must email from their GCC email address once registration has opened on Wednesday, April 3rd (If they email before that date, they will receive an automatic reply telling them to email again once registration is open- we cannot reserve seats before registration opens) Once the student emails their request, they will receive a link to a request form. They must fill out this form completely in order to register The student will receive a confirmation email when they have been registered, with their listed advisor attached. (This is not an automated process, so please expect to wait 2-3 business days for this process) Important Info: Students may take one SSA funded course per semester. This means they can take one in Summer I and another in Summer II Students must have their prerequisites in order (and overridden if necessary) before sending the request email All seats in these courses are first-come, first-served: no seats can be reserved while waiting for documents or prerequisites If there are no more grant-funded seats available, the coordinator will reach out to the student to inquire if they would like to register for a non-funded seat (if available) or join a waitlist. Billing process for grant-funded seats: The bursar will process the SSA grant waivers after the add/drop period (the first week of the course). If the student receives a bill before that date they should ignore it- if they accidentally pay the bill they will be refunded by the bursar (which can take a couple of weeks). Please contact the SSA Team with any questions about this process at: