How to Pay If you wish to authorize someone to make a payment on your behalf or to discuss the specifics of your student billing or financial aid account with our office, please review our Authorized Payer/Information Release Form. If a third party (e.g., Veterans Affairs, AmeriCorps, Mass Rehab, etc.) is paying on your behalf, appropriate documentation (e.g., a purchase order or written commitment to pay) must be submitted to our office within 30 days of the start of classes. Ultimately, the student is always responsible for making sure their bill is paid in full. GCC accepts eChecks, checks, cash, and credit/debit card payments * (MasterCard, Discover, VISA, and American Express). * Credit/debit card payments will incur a 3.28% service fee (minimum $1.32 fee). GCC does not receive this fee; it is retained by ACI Payments, Inc., our online credit card processing vendor. Before finalizing your payment, you have an opportunity to review the fee amount and cancel your payment. There is no service fee when paying with an eCheck, check or cash. To Pay your Bill Online (eCheck and credit/debit cards): Log into your MyGCC account. Get help with your username and password if necessary. Click on My Account Under the Billing menu, click on Account summary by term/Pay Your Bill Click Make a payment Select the semester for which you are paying. If the semester you are trying to pay for is not listed, please contact us to make a payment over the phone Click Submit Enter the payment amount and click Submit You will be directed to the ACI Payments, Inc. webpage where you will enter payment/payer information, review your payment, and complete your transaction To Pay by Mail (checks only): Make checks payable to GCC. Include your student ID number on your check. Send payments to: GCC Student Financial Services Office, Rm C102 1 College Drive Greenfield, MA 01301 FAQs about Paying Online Instructions on How to Pay with an eCheck