Public Disclosure & Records

GCC is a public, 2-year, not-for-profit institution of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
Public DisclosurePublic DocumentsPublic Records RequestsInstitutional Transparency

Greenfield Community College is committed to providing student consumer information as stipulated by the Federal Student Disclosure Requirements. Amendments to the U.S. Higher Education Act of 1998 require institutions participating in federally funded financial aid programs to make information about the institution available to current and prospective students. GCC is such an institution. Required consumer information about the following topics is posted at various places on our website:

  • Accreditation
    Greenfield Community College is accredited by the Commission on Institutions of Higher Education (CIHE) of the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC), and our accreditation is affirmed through December 2020.  Selected programs are accredited by various professional organization.
  • Clery Report
    In accordance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (more commonly known as The Clery Act), Greenfield Community College publishes an annual report that includes statistics for the previous three calendar years concerning crimes that occurred on college property and on public property immediately adjacent to, and accessible from, the campus.
  • Family Education Rights and Privacy Act
    FERPA states that facilities that maintain student educational records have the discretion to classify some information as "directory information" and to release only that information upon request.
  • Financial Aid
    This site provides comprehensive student financial aid information including a description of student aid programs, application procedures, eligibility criteria and rights and responsibilities of students receiving financial aid.
  • Institutional Review Board
    The Institutional Review Board works to ensure that the college meets the objectives of protecting people’s privacy, health and safety, and people’s ability to participate voluntarily in human subject research.
  • Student Right-to-Know Act
    GCC is required to report graduation rate data to the U.S. Department of Education annually. From among first-time, full-time, degree-seeking students who enrolled at GCC in fall 2020, 22% graduated and an additional 25% transferred to another institution within three years.

In accordance with the January 1, 2017 Massachusetts public records law, Greenfield Community College provides commonly requested public records.

Requests and questions should be directed to:

Karen Phillips, Public Records Access Officer
One College Drive
Greenfield, MA 01301 (413) 775-1305

and include:

  • Description of specific records being requested
  • Date parameters for the public records being requested
  • Name of person or organization requesting the public records
  • The requesting person’s/organization’s contact information

GCC has adopted the following statement to guide its reporting of information generated at the college regarding student success, academic performance and college efficiency:

GCC Statement on Institutional Transparency

GCC is committed to being transparent and open about information generated at the college regarding student success, academic performance, and college efficiency. We believe that information should be shared with appropriate stakeholders in a manner that emphasizes responsibility, accountability and context. Such information should be based upon performance indicators identified at the institutional level and be released in a manner whereby it:

  1. Is accessible, current, clear and consistent;
  2. Protects academic freedom;
  3. Safeguards against abuse and protects privacy;
  4. Complies with legal requirements;
  5. Promotes openness and timeliness.

Adopted by the GCC Assembly September 29, 2014