Bookends Intergenerational Book Group: The Authenticity Project Bookends Intergenerational Book Group: The Authenticity ProjectBookends, a collaboration between Greenfield Community College and Greenfield Public Library, is an intergenerational book group with a focus on discussions that are based on different backgrounds and perspectives as a means to bring our community closer together. Open to the general public and intended for ages 13–130! Join us to read New York Times bestselling novel The Authenticity Project by Clare Pooley, the story of a solitary green notebook that brings together six strangers and leads to unexpected friendship. “The message is strong, urging readers to get off their smartphones and social media and live in the real, authentic world—no chain stores or brands allowed here—making friends and forming a real-life community and support network.” Copies of the book are available to borrow at both libraries. RSVP recommended! "*" indicates required fields HiddenEvent name HiddenDate HiddenTime Name* First Last Email* Enter Email Confirm Email HiddenEvent URL Food StuffDietary RestrictionsList any food allergies or dietary restrictions for those in your party MLK CelebrationTotal Number Attending*Including yourselfWhere From?School/Organization*What college do you attend or what organization are you from? Reg. TypeI am a ...* Current GCC student Alum Lyrical FaithHow will you participate?*Performances should be under three (3) minutes Online/Zoom In person Performance type*What type of work will you be sharing? Poetry, song, story, etc.CategoriesLMI/Career EventWhich best describes you?*Check all that apply GCC Dual Enrollment Student GCC Credit Student (taking for-credit courses and not a dual enrolled student) GCC Non-Credit Student (taking non-credit workshops) GCC Alum GCC Faculty/Staff High School Student (not a GCC dual enrolled student) High School Counselor/Educator GCC Career Success Mentor/Trainee Business/Community Partner Other YCCC Member (if you didn't already check one of the answers above) Other* Are you a liberal arts undeclared student?* Yes No Degree or Major* How will you attend?* In person Remote paradeHow many marching?*clocktowerDoes this date/time work for you?* Yes No What works for you?* iCal feed add to Google Thursday, February 13 20255:30pm-7:00pm Location Greenfield Public Library412 Main Street, Greenfield Community Engagement Diversity English Featured - Public Free food Library