Reading for Change: Career Development

Reading for Change: Career Development

Reading for Change: Career Development

The Reading for Change project invites GCC students, staff, faculty, and members of the Greenfield community to share the experience of intellectual exploration and community building through reading, discussing and engaging with a common text.

This fall we are reading reading Callings: The Purpose and Passion of Work by Dave Isay. Callings is a fascinating series of interviews collected as part of NPR’s StoryCorps project. In this fascinating book, Isay shares the stories of everyday people describing their varied paths to finding work that is both personally meaningful and socially valuable.

Join this virtual gathering to learn about a variety of GCC and free regional resources which the broader community can take advantage of to clarify or move forward on their career path. Career development is a part of human development and life, which we all need help with at one point or another during our work lives. Find out what resources are available to help you make an informed career decision, gain viable employment or navigate the world of work more effectively! Join via Zoom.

Thursday, November 17 20226:00pm-7:00pm

Online event—check description for link!

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