The Kwinitekw/Quonektikut: Rights of Nature for the Long River

The Kwinitekw/Quonektikut: Rights of Nature for the Long River

Co-sponsored by Western Mass Rights of Nature, the Nolumbeka Project, Greenfield Community College, Greenfield Savings Bank, River Valley Co-op and UMassFive.

The Kwinitekw/Quonektikut: Rights of Nature for the Long River

Western Mass Rights of Nature and the Nolumbeka Project invite the public to a presentation and discussion about rights of nature for the Long River (also known as the Connecticut River) led by Hartman Deetz, activist, artist and member of the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe.

Rights of Nature is a global movement aimed at conferring legal rights and standing on elements of the natural world to better protect these natural systems. The Rights of Nature movement is rooted in Indigenous knowledge systems, based on the recognition of the interdependency of humans and the ecological communities in which they are embedded, as well as the deep responsibility humans bear to care for and steward the non-human world which, in turn, sustains us.

Western Mass Rights of Nature is a grassroots organization connected to the global Rights of Nature movement, working to bring about the legal and cultural change necessary to recognize the inherent right of the Connecticut River, her watershed, and the myriad of life that she supports to exist, thrive, evolve, and be restored.

Hartman Deetz serves as a Native American Cultural Consultant for the Charles River Watershed Association.

This event is free and open to the public! Donations are appreciated and can be made at Watch the livestream!

Friday, February 23 20247:00pm-9:00pm

Dining Commons

One College Drive , Greenfield

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