Don't Cancel That Class! AboutClass Descriptions Don’t Cancel That Class offers full-time and adjunct faculty members an alternative to canceling class. If you know that you need to be absent this semester, you can select from the menu of workshops listed below and a GCC faculty or staff member will come to your classroom and teach during your normal class period. Workshops scheduled through Don’t Cancel that Class will not count as an absence, but please contact your dean ahead of time if you need to miss more than one class period or have other questions. Please plan ahead! You have the best chance of scheduling your top choice workshop if you submit the request form two weeks or more in advance. Instructors and students have also indicated that these workshops are most effective when: Students are notified in advance about the change. Workshop instructors drop-in ahead of time and are introduced by the professor. Faculty share upcoming assignments or coursework with the workshop instructor so that the workshop content can be tailored to the class. There is some curricular integration between the workshop and the course (for example, a forum prompt in Moodle reflecting on the workshop). "*" indicates required fields Name* First Last Extension* Email* Enter Email Confirm Email Division*NursingEverything elseName of class* Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Start & end times* Location* # of students* First Choice*Brand Building BootcampCreating Communities of MatteringGCC Tech ToolsIntroduction to Elevator Speeches / Network PitchesIntroduction to Labor Market Information (LMI) ResearchLanguage & Pronouns & Gender DiversityMindfulness JournalingOnline privacy and securityReading & Note-taking & Anticipating Test QuestionsScholarship and citationScholarship Essay WritingSMART Career Goal-Setting and Action Planning for SuccessStop ProcrastinatingStrategies for Reading Scholarly ArticlesStudy SmarterStudy Strategies: Video and DiscussionTailored Instruction Around a Research AssignmentTake Better NotesTour of GCC Outdoor Growing SpacesTransfer 101Second Choice*Brand Building BootcampCreating Communities of MatteringGCC Tech ToolsIntroduction to Elevator Speeches / Network PitchesIntroduction to Labor Market Information (LMI) ResearchLanguage & Pronouns & Gender DiversityMindfulness JournalingOnline privacy and securityReading & Note-taking & Anticipating Test QuestionsScholarship and citationScholarship Essay WritingSMART Career Goal-Setting and Action Planning for SuccessStop ProcrastinatingStrategies for Reading Scholarly ArticlesStudy SmarterStudy Strategies: Video and DiscussionTailored Instruction Around a Research AssignmentTake Better NotesTour of GCC Outdoor Growing SpacesTransfer 101Third Choice*Brand Building BootcampCreating Communities of MatteringGCC Tech ToolsIntroduction to Elevator Speeches / Network PitchesIntroduction to Labor Market Information (LMI) ResearchLanguage & Pronouns & Gender DiversityMindfulness JournalingOnline privacy and securityReading & Note-taking & Anticipating Test QuestionsScholarship and citationScholarship Essay WritingSMART Career Goal-Setting and Action Planning for SuccessStop ProcrastinatingStrategies for Reading Scholarly ArticlesStudy SmarterStudy Strategies: Video and DiscussionTailored Instruction Around a Research AssignmentTake Better NotesTour of GCC Outdoor Growing SpacesTransfer 101Anything else we should know? Not all classes are available in a given semester. Only currently available classes can be selected below in the request form. Academic Advising Scholarship Essay WritingThe GCC Foundation offers more than 50 awards and scholarships to GCC students annually, and all applications require at least one essay. This workshop will focus on Foundation scholarships, but students will learn strategies and tips that will help them write any personal statement. Academic Advising Stop Procrastinating — Academic advising staffDo you find yourself pulling all-nighters to write papers or cram for exams? Do deadlines seem to spring out of nowhere and derail you? Do you feel overwhelmed, like you’re scrambling just to keep up with everything? Come to this workshop to explore tools and strategies for taking charge of your semester. Learn how to balance your responsibilities, cut down on procrastination, and create time to relax without the guilt! Academic Advising Study Smarter — Academic advising staffGood students don’t just study hard; they study well! Do you ever find yourself unsure exactly HOW you should study? Or feel like the amount of time you spend studying and your grades you earn don’t line up? Then this workshop is for you! We’ll teach you how to best use your study time and share techniques for effectively learning new material. Academic Advising Take Better Notes — Academic advising staffTaking notes in class or while doing homework can be tricky. Ever look at your class notes days or weeks after writing them and have no idea what you meant? Or worry that you’ve missed important points during class? This workshop will give you some strategies that will help you become a better note-taker so you can stay focused in class and understand what you wrote down later. We’ll offer tips for all kinds of classes – even Math! Academic Advising Transfer 101 — Shane ClarkGCC can be an incredible gateway to a higher degree, and with hundreds of guaranteed transfer agreements for GCC graduates, students really can go from GCC to anywhere. This workshop takes students through the basic steps in the transfer process, how to explore transfer options, and how to take advantage of our transfer agreements. Career Readiness Introduction to Elevator Speeches / Network Pitches — Shannon DoranThis class/webinar will include an overview of professional networking strategies and resources, as well as a lesson on “elevator speech” (a.k.a. “networking pitch") development. Time allowing, students will start drafting a networking pitch and practicing their networking pitches with each other. The relationship between a networking pitch, interview process, resume, and cover letter will also be discussed. Career Readiness Introduction to Labor Market Information (LMI) Research — Shannon DoranThis lightly interactive webinar/class will help students become savvy users of labor market information (LMI), so they will be able to make more informed career and therefore education path decisions. Students will also be introduced to a variety of labor market and occupation resource tools included in the GCC Career Readiness & Internships website. Career Readiness SMART Career Goal-Setting and Action Planning for Success — Shannon DoranThis class/webinar will help students understand how career development planning can be used to increase their growth and achieve their goals, during and after their time at GCC. Students will be introduced to career planning tools and strategies including the SMART (Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Realistic, and Timely or Time-oriented) goal strategy. Time allowing, students will start drafting a short-term career development action plan during the class. Greenhouse and Grounds Tour of GCC Outdoor Growing Spaces — Tony ReiberTour GCC's outdoor growing spaces. This workshop is weather dependent and is best selected in later spring or early-mid fall. Because this requires students to traverse uneven ground, it may not be a good option for students with mobility issues. May be offered Wednesday mornings or Fridays. Inclusion and Diversity Language & Pronouns & Gender Diversity — Liza Harrington and Kate WalkerThis interactive workshop addresses gender pronouns and language to cultivate an inclusive environment for the trans and non-binary community at GCC. The purpose of the workshop is to inform why respecting gender identities matter, to familiarize students with trans-inclusive and gender-neutral language, and to engage students in interactive exercises where they will practice asking for and using various gender pronouns. In addition to this, the workshop will equip students with the tools to hold themselves and others accountable. Leadership Creating Communities of Mattering — Judy RaperIt's no secret that when individuals feel a sense of belonging in the communities in which they work, live and learn they are able to reach their full potential and thrive emotionally and socially. In this workshop we explore theory proposed by Nancy Schlosberg regarding strategies for creating communities where people feel as if they matter and the tremendous cost of marginalizing individuals. An exercise that prompts us to reflect on communities we have thrived in and those we have struggled in culminates in the development of group strategies to create and participate in communities of mattering. Library GCC Tech Tools — Library staffThis workshop, for developmental classes and 100-level classes, will give students hands-on practice using the various tools available through their GCC account, including Google Drive and Moodle, along with strategies for how to use these tools effectively. This workshop must take place in a computer classroom. Library Online privacy and security — Library staffThis workshop will help students identify risks to their data security and present them with tools they can use to protect themselves from identity theft and hacking. The workshop content can be adapted to address risks faced by specific populations, such as domestic violence survivors or undocumented immigrants. Library Scholarship and citation — Library staffUsing assignments or content from the course in which this workshop occurs, students will discuss the scholarly process and take part in hands-on activities that will help them decide when citations are needed in order to correctly integrate information in their creations. Library Strategies for Reading Scholarly Articles — Library staffStudents will work in small groups to dissect academic, scholarly journal articles relevant to the field of study for this course and develop a strategy for reading scholarly literature. This activity uses a worksheet which can be collected and evaluated or graded. Library Tailored Instruction Around a Research Assignment — Library staffThis workshop requires an initial consultation with one of the GCC librarians, in which we talk about the specifics of the assignment including the timeline for it and your students' research needs. Marketing & Communications Brand Building Bootcamp — Kady WoodsStudents will be able to dream big about a real or fake business that they would like to have (from a gaming channel to a bakery) or even one they already have! Students will begin with learning about what makes an effective brand, do an exercise in reflection and building a brand personality, and end with a very basic outline of their brand. If there is time and willingness, students can feel free to enter the creative side of things and can explore visual branding with guidance around logo development. Students will just need a pencil and paper! Peer Tutoring Reading & Note-taking & Anticipating Test Questions — Cindy SnowThis workshop reviews the reading and study strategy SQ3R (survey, question, read, recite, review), as well as strategies that utilize multiple learning styles. If you provide a reading assignment that students haven't done yet, we'll use it to practice these strategies during class time. Peer Tutoring Study Strategies: Video and DiscussionA Peer Tutoring staff member and one or two tutors will come to your class, show a portion of a prerecorded video, and lead a discussion. The video is a panel discussion of peer tutors talking about study strategies, including time management, self-care, organization, breaking down assignments into doable chunks, etc. Remote or in-person; dependent on tutor availability. Wellness Mindfulness Journaling — Wellness Center StaffA brief introduction to writing as a mindful exercise. In this workshop we will discuss how mindfulness can affect our every day, and the act of intentionally writing in a mindful manner. Participants will be encouraged to think on prompts they could use in their journal, and how to integrate it into their daily routine.