Having a mentor can provide you with many benefits. Our mentors live in the region and are older adults who can offer you advice based on their experience, guide you to resources, assist you with problem solving or help you with a career related objective. If you are interested in learning more about GCC’s mentoring program, please fill out this registration form. Please know that our mentoring pool is limited, and while this program may not be the right fit for you, we will do our best to direct you to resources that can provide you with the support you need. Upon completion you will be contacted by one of the staff coordinating the mentoring program, and we will pair you with a mentor that can help you meet your personal and professional goals. For the spring 2021 semester, mentoring will be offered remotely and you and your mentor will have control over scheduling of appointments and frequency. If you have any questions about this application or would like to have a more general conversation about the mentoring program please contact Judy Raper, Associate Dean for Community Engagement at raperj@gcc.mass.edu.