

MassTransfer provides Massachusetts community college students who complete associate degrees with the full transfer of credit, guaranteed admission, and a tuition discount (each based on final GPA)* to an eligible program at a four-year school in the Massachusetts state system.

If you are enrolled in one of our MassTransfer associate degrees and are planning to transfer to one of the Massachusetts state-supported colleges or universities, you are eligible for MassTransfer!

Not planning to complete a degree? You can still complete the MassTransfer Block, which lets you meet the general education/distribution/core requirements for a Bachelor's degree with successful completion of eligible classes at GCC.

Note that transfer to many four-year colleges and universities may require the completion of foreign language. See our Transfer Coordinator to help you determine language requirement at the schools and degree programs you are interested in exploring.

* Please note: Students who have matriculated into another college since completing an associate degree are not eligible for MassTransfer and must submit a traditional admission application. Students who are not in good academic fiscal, and disciplinary status at all previously attended colleges may not be guaranteed MassTransfer benefits. Learn more about Massachusetts Department of Higher Education Admissions Standards »