Simmons College Master's Degree Program Earn a Master of Science degree in from Simmons University’s School of Library and Information Science (SLIS) right here on the GCC campus. This part-time in-person program, known as SLIS West, provides an avenue for students in the region obtain a graduate degree from a top-ranked master’s program for library and information science. SLIS West supports all concentrations. Depending on specialization SLIS West students may find it necessary to take courses online or in Boston. Increasing online course offerings allow SLIS West students more flexibility in scheduling and more elective courses. Courses are taught by dedicated SLIS faculty and are scheduled year-round. (Please note, however, that admission to the SLIS West program takes place for Fall and Spring only.) SLIS students studying at SLIS West may take courses at the Boston campus. Similarly, students enrolled in Boston may choose to take courses at the SLIS West campus. SLIS West also increases experiential learning for future librarians, archivists, and information professionals on the GCC campus, locally, and regionally through partnerships with the Nahman-Watson Library and the Greenfield Public Library. Learn More & Register