Peer Mentors

A Peer Mentor is a fellow student who has some experience navigating college life, is familiar with student support resources, and is trained in supportive communication skills.

They help fellow students understand college policy and procedures, access college and community services and support educational goal setting and problem solving.

How Do I Get One?

Many students have been assigned a Peer Mentor automatically. Your Peer Mentor will reach out to you through your GCC email throughout the semester. If you do not yet have a Peer Mentor and would like one, please request one!

How Can I Become One?

Peer Mentor is a paid position! We hire Peer Mentors for spring and fall semesters. You do not have to have a work-study award to apply! Applicants must prepared to dedicate an average of 5-7 hours/week to the program throughout the semester, including some group meetings and some independent work. Remote participation is available for most work hours, and many hours are at flexible times (but some on-campus work and pre-scheduled meetings are required). Learn more at