Assistive Technology

There is a variety of assistive technology that students with disabilities can be approved to use in and out of the classroom. Please become familiar with the types of assistive technologies that students may bring to the class or that you may recommend for course activities and assessments. Many of these technologies are available, for student and faculty use, from the ODS or for free on the internet. Please make an appointment with the Coordinator of Disability Services to learn more.

Examples of assistive technology include:

  • Lecture recording/note-taking devices or programs
  • Text-to-speech software
  • Speech-to-text software
  • Grammar and Spell Checking program
  • Adaptive equipment

For a complete description of assistive technology, please visit our Assistive Technology page.

The Accommodation Agreement of any student who has an accommodation for audio recording (either with a smart pen or another device) includes an Accommodation for Audio Recording Agreement.  The final provision of that agreement specifies that the instructor will notify the students and any guests in the class that the class may be recorded, while protecting the identity of the student who has the accommodation for recording.  Massachusetts state law requires informing parties that they are being recorded.  Here is some simple language you could use for notifying your class:

“Please be aware that our classes may be recorded.”

You have the right to prohibit both recording and note-taking during classes or portions of classes which involve personal discussion and/or disclosure.