Jacqueline Strauss: Elemental Playthings November 8 – December 7Gallery talk November 15, 12pm Elemental Playthings is an installation of fiber beings born of daily practice by artist Jacqueline Strauss, AKA Jezaculear. Collaboration with found or offered materials, the creative muse and inner voice generate a soft sculpture populous: gods, elementals, beasts, pests, clowns, characters and lovelies. « Previous: Emily Noelle Lambert: Less Like A March, More Like a PolkaNext: Jonathan Mark Jackson: Gone, and therefore Vanished from the Face of the Earth » Gallery Hours M-Th, 7am-9pm F, 7am-5pm Sat, 8am-6pm The South Gallery is fully accessible For more information Jen Simms, simmsj@gcc.mass.edu