Campus and Local Resources The Behavioral Intervention Team maintains an incredibly comprehensive list of services of all kinds in Franklin county. A list of on-campus and local off-campus resources for students in recovery. Information about financial aid is available through their website. Need help using technology? Visit the IT HelpDesk. A licensed, professional trained counselor is available to help students. The Office of Disability and Accessibility Services helps provide access to learning for students with a variety of physical and educational barriers. The Women's Resource Center is a great resource for folks of any gender on campus. The Library offers a variety of scholarly resources and assistive technology for all students. C106 is a space for nursing parents who need to breastfeed, pump, or feed infants while on campus. The Vet Center (N215) is a great resource for veterans on campus. View our Bathroom Guide for a list of single-occupancy bathrooms and baby changing stations available on campus, potentially useful to gender non-conforming or trans students, parents with small children, folks who might need to bring an assistant into the bathroom, etc.