Currency exams

Currency exams are for students who have taken certain courses previously, but the credit for those courses has expired. If a student can demonstrate through examination that he or she retains the information from these courses, credit can be re-instated.

The Testing Center offers the following currency exams

Course Code Title
BIO 194 Comprehensive Anatomy & Physiology
BIO 215 Human Anatomy & Physiology I
BIO 216 Human Anatomy & Physiology II
BIO 205 Microbiology
NUR101 Fundamentals of Nursing

The student must provide verification of eligibility (e.g. an official college transcript) to the Transfer Credit Evaluator at the College who will make the final determination of the student's eligibility for the exam. Contact Transfer Credit Evaluator, Laura Earl (413) 775-1816 in the Office of Admission, C103. After you have received your authorization form and paid your fee, you may call The Testing Center, (413) 775-1821 for an appointment to take your Currency Exam or request an appointment through our website: