Register for Academic Testing We are open for in person and remote academic testing. We are currently using remote proctoring for students seeking to take the Accuplacer placement test (English and Math sections) and currency tests for BIO 126, BIO 215, BIO 216, NUR 101 and CIS 140. These tests can also be taken in person. Before requesting an appointment for placement testing, check in with an advisor about multiple measures of placement, please go to: Once an advisor has confirmed that you do need to take a placement test, please complete the form below to schedule a testing appointment. We will email you with a confirmed date and time. You may also call the Testing Center at (413) 775-1821. Please note: At this time we are scheduling appointments for in person and remote testing. Testing time slots are Monday-Friday. If you are not able to test during one of these times, please contact us so we can try to accommodate you. Thank you! Request an Academic Testing Appointment "*" indicates required fields Legal Name* First Last Email* Enter Email Confirm Email Preferred Name If different from legal nameBest phone to reach you*Test Location* Remote In-person In-person TestingSelect Test Type* Placement Make-up Challenge or Currency Accommodations Other Remote TestingSelect Test Type* Placement Challenge or Currency Other Challenge/Currency ExamsSelect Exam* BIO 126 (General Biology) BIO 194 (Comprehensive Anatomy and Physiology) BIO 215 (Human Anatomy and Physiology I) BIO 216 (Human Anatomy and Physiology II) NUR 101 (Fundamentals of Nursing) CIS 140 (Microcomputer Software Tools I) Other If you need to take more than one, please complete a separate appointment request for each test you need.Placement TestingHave you been directed to take a placement test by Admission or Advising staff?* Yes No Select Exam* English Placement Math Placement English and Math Placement Not Sure Date of Birth* MM slash DD slash YYYY Make-up/Accommodation TestingWhich class is this for?* How much time is needed for the test?* Describe accommodations needed*Preferred Dates(s) and Time(s) - RemoteRemote testing appointments are available Mon-Fri at 9:30am and 1pm. Please make sure the date you select falls on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday!1st choice date* MM slash DD slash YYYY 1st choice time* 9:30am 1pm 2nd choice date* MM slash DD slash YYYY 2nd choice time* 9:30am 1pm Preferred Dates(s) and Time(s) - In-person1st choice date* MM slash DD slash YYYY 1st choice time* 8:30am 9am 9:30am 10am 10:30am 11am 11:30am 12pm 12:30pm 1pm 1:30pm 2pm 2nd choice date* MM slash DD slash YYYY 2nd choice time* 8:30am 9am 9:30am 10am 10:30am 11am 11:30am 12pm 12:30pm 1pm 1:30pm 2pm Anything else we should know?If you are submitting this form less than one business day before your requested appointment, please be aware that we may not be able to accommodate you!You will receive email confirmation of your appointment from *protected email*. If you don't see it, please check your spam folder.EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.