High School Equivalency Assessment (HiSET and GED)

Update July 2024

We are open for in person testing! For more information and a comparison of the computer requirements for the online versions of the tests go to: https://www.doe.mass.edu/hse/.

PLEASE NOTE: NOW Effective  The Commonwealth of Massachusetts will pay for a candidate's first GED® and the HiSET® test in each subject plus limited retakes (two retests per subject). For more information and the codes you need to use please go to: https://www.doe.mass.edu/hse/ 

PLEASE NOTE: Effective November 23, 2022, Massachusetts High School Equivalency candidates will be able to combine GED® and HiSET subtest scores to complete the requirements of their High School Equivalency Credential. Candidates may take subtests for either exam in any order. Passing scores will remain the same, 145 minimum per subtest for GED® and a minimum score of 8 and an average of 9 for HiSET (minimum 2 for the essay on HiSET LA Writing). Candidates will continue to see their subtest scores on the respective assessment websites, (www.GED.com / www.hiset.org) and the combined scores will be available when the student completes their testing and the transcript is generated at www.diplomasender.com. Please feel free to contact the HSE Team with any questions and concerns at HSET@mass.gov.

We are open for in-person testing on the GCC campus. To see up-coming testing dates at GCC go to: HiSET or GED.

Testing Location: GCC Testing Center -- Room C110 - in the Main Building 

For more information on each test please go to the following websites for up-to-date information and to sign up for the tests:

For updates about the GCC campus and COVID-19 policies go to: https://www.gcc.mass.edu/safety/healthalerts/

In Massachusetts there are 2 tests offered for earning High School Equivalency (HSE) Credentials -- the HiSET™ (High School Equivalency Test) and GED® (General Education Development). At Greenfield Community College we offer both. Click here for a comparison of the HiSET™  and GED® tests: comparison of HSE tests

The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education partnered with SABES (System for Adult Basic Education Support) to create a short video: sabes.org/hse. Please refer to the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education's High School Equivalency (HSE) Office for additional information: www.doe.mass.edu/hse/.

There are special requirements for testing under the age of 18. Please go to the Department of Education's Website: www.doe.mass.edu/hse/under18.html. 

Testing with accommodations for test takers with disabilities or health related needs is possible, for details please see: www.doe.mass.edu/hse/disabilitiesinfo.html.

High School Equivalency Assessment courses are not available at Greenfield Community College. Please contact the following local agencies for information about High School Equivalency Test preparation.

  • The Literacy Project (413) 774-3934 has adult education centers in Greenfield, Turners Falls, Orange, Northampton, Amherst and Ware
  • North Star (413) 582-0193 offers teenagers an alternative for middle school and high school, Sunderland, MA

All requests for copies of High School Equivalency Credentials must go through Diploma Sender: www.diplomasender.com.