Tuition Waivers

Categorical WaiversNeed-Based or Other


For credit courses, tuition waivers and proof of eligibility must be submitted within 30 days of the start of the semester. For most waivers, fees (including but not limited to college services fees and special class/program fees) are not reduced. Some waivers are subject to approval by the Registrar based on seating availability. There are restrictions when using the Senior Waiver. The value of a tuition waiver or combination of tuition waivers cannot exceed the total cost of tuition. See below to determine waiver eligibility, required documentation and charges eligible for reduction.

Waivers for non-credit workshops are approved on a case-by-case basis by Workforce Development or Community Engagement.

For more information about tuition waivers, contact the Student Financial Services Office at or visit the Department of Education’s Office of Student Financial Assistance website.

Most tuition waivers can be requested in MyGCC. Veterans and military-affiliated students should contact Veteran Services to complete tuition waivers.

Types of Waivers

Adopted Child Tuition Waiver and Fee Assistance Program (Code 21)

This waiver extends eligibility to all children and young adults, age 24 or under, adopted through the Department of Children and Families (DCF) by state employees or eligible Massachusetts residents, regardless of the date of adoption.

The student must meet the following requirements:

  • Be a Massachusetts resident for at least one year prior to the opening of the academic year
  • Be 24 years of age or under at the start of the academic year
  • Be in the custody of DCF and have been adopted by an eligible Massachusetts state employee through DCF, or
  • Be in the custody of the DCF and have been adopted by an eligible Massachusetts resident through DCF
  • Be a United States citizen or eligible non-citizen
  • Be enrolled full time, half time, or part time in an eligible program or is taking an eligible course as defined
  • Be enrolled in an undergraduate degree, certificate or short-term certificate program, or be taking noncredit courses
  • Apply for financial aid using the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
  • Not have received a prior bachelor’s degree or its equivalent
  • Not be in default of any federal or state loans or owe a refund for any previous financial aid received
  • Be maintaining satisfactory academic progress in accordance with institutional and federal standards
  • Must meet Selective Service requirements

Eligible state employees shall include all individuals determined to be Massachusetts State employees at the time of adoption of the eligible student including all full and part-time Massachusetts state government employees employed by the state, for at least six months at the time of the adoption. Employees who were working for the state at the time of the adoption and continued to be employed by the state for at least six months after the adoption. Eligible Massachusetts residents shall include all individuals determined to be Massachusetts state residents at the time of adoption of the eligible student.

Helpful contacts

  • Massachusetts Office of Student Financial Assistance: (617) 391-6070 for information about application requirements and deadlines
  • Child and Family Services: (800) 972-2734 to find the agency that services your area

Waiver Process

  • A certificate or letter of eligibility from DCF must be submitted to our Student Financial Services Office
  • A GCC Tuition Waiver Form must be completed and returned to the Student Financial Services Office for each term the student wishes to apply the waiver

Charges Waived

  • 100% day in-state (state-supported) tuition
  • 100% day in-state DCE (D/D non-state-supported) tuition
  • 100% day in-state (state supported) fees
  • No other tuition categories or fees are waived
Armed Forces (Code 14)

You must be an active member of the Armed Forces (Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, or Coast Guard) stationed and residing in Massachusetts.

Waiver Process

  • A copy of your Armed Forces card showing you are on active duty and stationed in Massachusetts must be provided to Veteran Services
  • A tuition waiver and Veteran Intake Form must be completed and returned for each term the student wishes to apply the waiver; contact Veteran Services for more information

Charges Waived

  • 100% day in-state (state-supported) tuition
  • 100% day in-state DCE (D/D non state-supported) tuition
  • 100% evening tuition
  • 100% intersession tuition
  • 100% summer tuition
  • No fees are waived
Clients of the Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission (Code 18) or Commission for the Blind (Code 20)

Certification by the respective Commission

Waiver Process

  • Written documentation certified by the appropriate Commission's local office and/or caseworker showing that you qualify for the waiver must be provided to our Student Financial Services Office
  • A GCC Tuition Waiver Form must be completed and returned to the Student Financial Services Office for each term the student wishes to apply the waiver

Charges Waived

  • 100% day in-state tuition
  • 100% day in-state DCE tuition (D/D)
  • 100% evening tuition
  • 100% intersession tuition
  • 100% summer tuition
  • No fees are waived
Foster Child Tuition Waiver and Fee Assistance Program (Code 21)

The student must meet the following requirements:

  • Be a Massachusetts resident for at least one year prior to the fall semester
  • Be 24 years of age or under at the start of the academic year
  • Be a current or former foster child who was placed in the custody of the state through a Care and Protection Petition, or
  • Be a child whose guardianship was sponsored by the Department of Children and Families through age 18
  • Have been in the custody of the Commonwealth for at least six months before age 18
  • Not have been adopted nor returned home
  • Be a United States citizen or eligible non-citizen
  • Be enrolled in an undergraduate degree, certificate or short-term certificate program, or be taking noncredit courses
  • Apply for financial aid using the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
  • Not have received a prior bachelor’s degree or its equivalent
  • Must meet Selective Service requirements
  • Must meet satisfactory academic progress requirements
  • Not be in default of student loans or owe a financial aid refund

Helpful contacts

  • Massachusetts Office of Student Financial Assistance: (617) 391-6070 for information about application requirements and deadlines
  • Child and Family Services: (800) 972-2734 to find the agency that services your area

Waiver Process

  • A certificate or letter of eligibility from DCF must be submitted to our Student Financial Services Office
  • A GCC Tuition Waiver Form must be completed and returned to the Student Financial Services Office for each term the student wishes to apply the waiver

Charges Waived

  • 100% day in-state (state-supported) tuition
  • 100% day in-state DCE (D/D non-state-supported) tuition
  • 100% day in-state (state supported) fees
  • No other tuition categories or fees are waived
John and Abigail Adams Tuition Waiver (Code 27)


  • Score in the advanced category in either the Mathematics or the English language arts section of the grade 10 MCAS test and score in the Proficient or Advanced category on the second subject (Mathematics or English language arts)
  • Have a combined MCAS score on these assessments that ranks in the top 25% in their school district
  • Must be a permanent Massachusetts resident
  • Must be a United States citizen or eligible non-citizen
  • Enrolled full-time in a Massachusetts public college or university, and has not earned a prior bachelor's degree
  • Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
  • Must be in compliance with applicable law regarding Selective Service Registration
  • Must not be in default with applicable law regarding any Federal or State student education loans for attendance at any institution or owe a refund for any previous financial aid received
  • Must be enrolled in 12 or more credits for any term the student wishes to apply the waiver
  • Must maintain a 3.0 GPA for continued eligibility

Waiver Process

  • A copy of the student's award letter signed by the Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts must be provided to the Student Financial Services Office
  • A GCC Tuition Waiver Form must be completed and returned to the Student Financial Services Office for each term the student wishes to apply the waiver

Charges Waived

  • 100% day in-state (state supported) tuition
  • 100% day in-state DCE (D/D non-state supported) tuition
  • No other tuition categories or fees are waived
Koplik Tuition Waiver (Code 22)

The Stanley Z. Koplik Certificate of Mastery with Distinction waives tuition at Massachusetts public colleges and universities. The Koplik Certificate of Mastery may be used for 8 consecutive semesters at Massachusetts colleges and university.

Eligibility to apply

  • Be currently enrolled in a Massachusetts public high school (Students who have graduated high school are not eligible to apply)
  • Be a permanent Massachusetts resident
  • Be a United States citizen or eligible non-citizen
  • Must be eligible to file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
  • Required to maintain a GPA of 3.3 for continued eligibility

Waiver Process

    Koplik Application applications, forms, and supporting documentation should be submitted to the Koplik coordinator at your high school. For students in their senior year, applications must be submitted to the Koplik coordinator by May 1. It is important to note that since scores from tests taken in May and June are not reported until early July, the application need not be complete when submitted however notifications will not be sent until scores are received.
    Koplik coordinators are asked to submit scores for these students by the end of July. For any questions you may have regarding the Koplik Certificate of Mastery, please contact

Charges Waived

  • 100% D/D & Day Tuition
Massachusetts National Guard Tuition Waiver (Code 13)

The Massachusetts National Guard Education Assistance Program provides a 100% tuition waiver for Massachusetts National Guard soldiers attending a state college, university, or community college program. Generally, these state-supported programs are offered during the day as part of a degree program.


  • Is an active member of the Massachusetts Army or Air National Guard who in good standing
  • Is accepted for admission to, or is enrolled, full- or part-time in a Massachusetts public institution of higher education, as defined above
  • Is eligible to receive and has been issued a Certificate of Tuition Waiver Eligibility by the Military Division of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts applicable for any portion of the academic year
  • Maintains satisfactory academic progress as defined by the institution

NOTE: Unit members are exempt from the MA residency requirement if serving in a Massachusetts unit.

Waiver Process

  • A certificate of Tuition Waiver from their National Guard unit must be provided to Veteran Services
  • A tuition waiver and Veteran Intake Form must be completed and returned for each term the student wishes to apply the waiver; contact Veteran Services for more information

Charges Waived

  • 100% of all tuition categories excluding intersession tuition charges
  • No fees are waived  
Massachusetts National Guard Welcome Home Tuition and Fee Waiver (Code 12)

The Massachusetts National Guard Education Assistance Program provides a 100% tuition and fee waiver for Massachusetts National Guard soldiers attending a state college, university, or community college program. Generally, these state-supported programs are offered during the day as part of a degree program. Your assistance can continue as long as you are in good standing academically and until you have reached 130 semester hours.


  • Must be an active member of the Massachusetts Army or Air National Guard who is in good standing
  • Is accepted for admission to, or is enrolled, full- or part-time in a Massachusetts public institution of higher education, as defined above
  • Is eligible to receive and has been issued a Certificate of Eligibility by the Military Division of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts applicable for any portion of the academic year
  • Has not exceeded the 130 semester credit hours maximum, or the equivalent quarter hours or clock hours, when combined with Certificates of Eligibility issued prior to September 1, 2006
  • Maintains satisfactory academic progress as defined by the institution

It is the responsibility of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Military Division to inform the institution of the status of any member of the National Guard who has failed to maintain good standing or has terminated his/ her service. Upon receipt of this information, the institution must determine if the award may be canceled for that academic term or for such future terms to follow.

Waiver Process

Charges Waived

  • 100% of all tuition categories
  • 100% of all mandatory fees
  • No other fees are waived  
Massachusetts State Employee Tuition and/or Fee Waiver (Tuition Remission)

The following waivers are available for state employees and their dependents:

  • MA Higher Education (Full-time) Spouse/Child Waiver (Code 3)
  • GCC Benefited Employee (Full-time & Half-time) Waiver (Code 4)
  • GCC Non-Benefited Employee (Half-time) Waiver (Code 4)
  • MA Higher Education Faculty (Full-time) Waiver (Code 5)
  • MA Higher Education (Half-time) Spouse/Child Waiver (Code 6)
  • MA Higher Education Faculty (Half-time) Waiver (Code 7)
  • MA State Employee/MA Higher Education Staff Waiver (Code 8)
  • GCC Employee AFSCME Member (Code 9)
  • MCCC Member: Spouse/Child Tuition & Waiver (Code 17)
  • MA Community Colleges Employee Non-Unit (Full-time) Spouse/Child Waiver (Code 29)
  • MA Community Colleges Employee Non-Unit (Half-time) Spouse/ Child Waiver (Code 30)
  • DCE Adjust Faculty/Spouse/Child Waiver (Code 32)

Waiver Process

    To qualify for Massachusetts state employee tuition and/or fee waivers (tuition remission), the employee must obtain a tuition remission form completed by the HR department at the appropriate state agency where the employee works. The form must be signed by the certifying official in the HR department who is authorized to verify eligibility and approve the waiver (tuition remission). The form must also be signed and dated by the eligible employee. For additional information about these waivers contact the GCC Student Financial Services Office by phone at (413) 775-1301 or email at

Charges Waived

    Varies -- see chart above
Native American (Code 1)

For a description of this waiver and eligibility criteria click here.

Waiver Process

  • Proof of the student's tribal membership as certified by the Bureau of Indian Affairs must be provided the Student Financial Services Office
  • A GCC Tuition Waiver Form must be completed and returned to the Student Financial Services Office for each term the student wishes to apply the waiver

Charges Waived

  • 100% day in-state (state-supported) tuition
  • 100% day in-state DCE (D/D non state-supported) tuition
  • 50% evening tuition
  • 50% intersession tuition
  • 50% summer tuition
  • No fees are waived
Senior Citizen (Code 2 or Code 42)

Tuition/fee waivers for seniors are available on a space-available basis for persons sixty years of age or older, and who have been a Massachusetts resident for at least one year prior to the start of the current semester. Registration for students using the waiver starts two weeks before the first day of classes for each semester/session. Students may register early by opting out of using the waiver. If you choose not to use the waiver, you will be registered for your class(es) at the full tuition and fee rates without needing to wait for the space-available deadline; however, if you subsequently drop the class(es), you will not be able to then use the waiver to register for additional, different class(es) that semester.

A senior waiver may be applied to a course only one time. If you are repeating a course you have previously enrolled in using a senior waiver you will need to pay full tuition and fees regardless of whether you withdrew from or audited the course. Also, please note our Course Repeat Policy prevents all students from repeating a class more than twice regardless of payment method. If you have questions, we recommend you review our Course Repeat policy found online.

  • Senior Waiver – For students who do not have a Baccalaureate degree; tuition & 50% of College service fee waived, all other fees paid by student
  • Institutional Senior Fee Waiver – For students who have a Baccalaureate degree or higher; 50% of College service fee waived, tuition and all other fees paid by student

If you are not matriculated in a degree or certificate program, request a senior waiver when you complete the Guest Student Registration Form (for help email Degree and certificate-seeking students need to work with their Success Coach/Advisor or the Advising Center ( to register for classes and request a waiver. Questions about the waiver, bill and payment should be emailed to

Waiver Process

  • If you have used a senior waiver in the past, an informational hold has been placed on your account to alert you and your advisor of the date you can begin registering for classes if you wish to  use the senior waiver.
  • If you do not plan to use the senior waiver, you can register at any time once registration begins. Any classes you register for prior to the established senior waiver dates will not be covered by the waiver.
  • For each semester you wish to use the senior waiver, a senior waiver form must be completed by you and approved by a designated official from our Enrollment Services Offices
Veteran (Code 11)


  • Service in one of the following missions: Spanish War, World War I, World War II, Korean War, Vietnam War, Lebanese keeping force, Grenada  rescue mission, the Panamanian intervention force, or the Persian Gulf War (as provided in M.G.L. Chapter 4, Section 7(43))
  • For purposes of tuition waivers, the term “veteran” shall also include any individual who served in the army, navy, marine corps, coast guard or air force of the United States for not less than 90 days at least one of which was served in the theatre of operation for the Somalian mission known as “Operation Restore Hope” and whose last discharge or release was under honorable conditions.

Waiver Process

  • A copy of your DD 214 must be provided to Veteran Services
  • A tuition waiver and Veteran Intake Form must be completed and returned for each term the student wishes to apply the waiver; contact Veteran Services for more information

Charges Waived

  • 100% day in-state (state-supported) tuition
  • 100% day in-state DCE (D/D non state-supported) tuition
  • 100% evening tuition
  • 100% intersession tuition
  • 100% summer tuition
  • No fees are waived

Only day state-supported tuition charges qualify for Need-Based Tuition Waivers (coded as Day Tuition on your billing statement). Charges cannot be waived by multiple waivers. If you already have another type of waiver waiving these type of charges, you will not receive a need-based waiver. The value of a tuition waiver or combination of tuition waivers cannot exceed the total cost of tuition. Tuition waiver awards, in combination with other resources in the student’s financial aid package, may not exceed the student’s demonstrated financial need. Students qualifying for a tuition waiver may be granted partial or full waivers depending upon the institution’s financial aid packaging policies.

Need-based waivers are awarded during the financial aid process as a component of the student’s financial aid package. Students should be notified of tuition waiver awards via their financial aid award letter. Contact the Student Financial Services Office at (413) 775-1109 or for application requirements or deadlines. You can also call the Massachusetts Office of Student Financial Assistance at (617) 391-6070 to obtain more information.


To be eligible for a Need-Based Tuition Waiver, a student must:

  • Be a permanent legal resident of Massachusetts for at least one year prior to the opening of the academic year
  • Be a United States citizen or eligible noncitizen
  • Be in compliance with applicable Selective Service Registration laws
  • Not be in default of any federal or state loan or owe a refund on any previously received financial aid
  • Evidence documented financial need as measured by a federally approved system of needs analysis
  • Enroll in at least three undergraduate credits per semester in state-supported undergraduate degree or certificate program
  • Maintain satisfactory academic progress in accordance with federal and institutional standards
  • Not have earned a prior bachelors degree or its equivalent