Find Books

The library catalog searches all of the physical items in our collection (books, DVDs, etc.), along with ebooks, audio books, and streaming video. It does not search individual articles.

We share our library catalog with 161 libraries in Central and Western Massachusetts. If there is something you are looking for that we don't have, you can search the other libraries and have any material delivered to the GCC library free of charge. Simply use the “GCC Library” dropdown menu to select “All C/W MARS Libraries.”

Order books from UMASS Amherst and other Massachusetts libraries

If you cannot find the material you'd like from C/W MARS, you can search the Commonwealth Catalog, which consists of libraries across the state, including UMASS. Items ordered through the Commonwealth Catalog can be delivered to GCC free of charge.

Search the Commonwealth Catalog here.

If you still can't find what you are looking for, we can order it for you from libraries outside of this network. Email a librarian at or call (413) 775 - 1831.

Search for just eBooks

Please note you will need your GCC Library card to access these from off-campus.

  • OverDrive
    • The best place to search for popular and bestseller fiction and non-fiction. Both ebooks and downloadable audio books can be found here.
    • Each copy of a 'book' is checked out to one user at a time. You may place a hold on a book if it is not currently available; you will be notified when you are able to check it out.