Course Reserves

We encourage faculty to place course materials on reserve in the library so they are easily accessible to students. Faculty can provide copies of textbooks and other materials, or can ask to place circulating library materials on reserve. Frequently, publishers will provide a free desk  copy to faculty for this purpose. Materials from other libraries or obtained through interlibrary loan cannot be placed on reserve. The library reserves the right to refuse materials that violate copyright law. The library is not responsible for damaged, missing, and/or lost materials while on reserve. 

Reserve materials are kept at the circulation desk and may be checked out by students for 2-hour use in the library, or for whatever short-term loan period you designate. Bring the items you wish to place on reserve to the circulation desk or contact Leo Nañez-Bonilla for more information at (413) 775-1856 or .

Library staff can also scan the first two chapters, or other pages in the book your class needs, to make available during the first week of class, within copyright limits.

You can submit desk copy requests to Leo for assistance. Please note that some publishers retain the right to decline desk copy requests submitted by a librarian. If your request is denied, we will provide you with information on how to submit the request directly.

Please note that we are not able to request books from Pearson at this time. Only faculty are allowed to place the request themselves, by making a Pearson educator account. You may follow these instructions (video tutorial included) to request a desk copy.