Library Saff

Liza Harrington, Library Director
B.A., Suffolk University
M.L.I.S., Simmons College
(413) 775-1836

Tim Dolan, Librarian
A.A., Holyoke Community College
B.A., Sarah Lawrence College
M.A., Indiana University
M.L.I.S., Simmons College
(413) 775-1872

Claire Lobdell, Distance Education Librarian & Archivist
B.A., Cornell University
M.L.I.S., Simmons College
(413) 775-1834

Leo Nañez-Bonilla, Librarian
B.A., Smith College
(413) 775-1856

headshot of an Asian American woman

Young-In Kim, Librarian
B.A., California State University–Long Beach
B.A., Kutztown University of Pennsylvania
M.L.I.S., Syracuse University
(413) 775-1832

Caroline Dubinsky, Part-Time Librarian
B.A., Vassar College
M.A., University of Massachusetts–Amherst
Ph.D., University of Maryland
M.L.I.S., Simmons College
(413) 775-1838

In addition to the above staff members, the GCC library employs a variety of student workers who assist patrons, troubleshoot technology, process archival materials, and help the library run smoothly. We couldn’t do our jobs without them!