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All food for GCC events and meetings held on our main campus must be purchased through GCC's food service provider, Genuine Foods. To further clarify this, the contractor has first right of refusal for any food that is being paid for by GCC and its programs (grants, contracts, department functions, student activities, etc). Examples that don't apply to this would be:
The food service contract is bid and awarded based on the agreement that Genuine Foods is the sole provider for food on campus for anything that is run and paid for by the College or that needs catering for a contracted outside function. The contractor bases the College's subsidy on having to achieve a predetermined estimated amount of sales. It is the College's responsibility to give the contractor that business first—if the contractor can't meet its sales volume than the College risks having to pay a larger subsidy to the contractor.
If Genuine Foods cannot perform GCC's request, then the College can pursue an alternative option for food purchases. This excludes student-organized fundraisers and external purchases made (Big Y, BJ's, etc.) to stock departmental studios with snacks for students.