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Financial Aid

It is best to refer any student with financial aid questions to Student Financial Services. Below are some questions that can help when you are advising students:

You attended college a few years ago but never finished, and had to leave. Now you're back and able to finish. Yes No
You've attended GCC for 3 semesters but are still not sure when you will graduate. Yes No
You're at GCC under "Fresh Start." Yes No
You've changed your major at least one time. Yes No
You've had to appeal your financial aid status at least once in the past. Yes No
You work hard to keep your GPA above 3.0 and sometimes withdraw from classes with a "W" grade. Yes No
You've been on Academic Suspension or Academic Probation in the past. Yes No
You've finished the prerequisites for Nursing and are enrolled in classes waiting to hear if you are accepted. Yes No

If a student has answered "Yes" to any of these questions, they should schedule an appointment to speak with a financial aid counselor to determine remaining eligibility, especially if they plan to transfer to a four year college or university.

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