About GCC
Admission & Registration
Student Financial Services
Special Admission
Student Support
Student Life & Enrichment
Workforce Development
Community Engagement
In compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act (ADAAA) of 2008, GCC works to ensure access for students with disabilities by offering accommodations and/or auxiliary aids. The Office of Disability & Accessibility Services develops accommodation agreements for eligible students that specify the students' individual accommodations. Faculty members are responsible for implementing reasonable accommodations as listed in the accommodation agreement.
The mission of Counseling Services is to support learning and retention by addressing the stress and conflicts that may distract students from achieving their full academic potential. Short term, supportive counseling by a licensed professional counselor is available for GCC students at no cost. Referrals to behavioral health resources in the community are also available.
Free, online mental health counseling is available from uwill.com.
The Behavioral Intervention Team serves as a campus resource dedicated to fostering a safe, supportive, and productive learning environment. Tasked with responding to reports of concerning behavior on campus, the team gathers information from the College community about individuals who may be at risk or displaying troubling behavior and assesses the situation to determine appropriate interventions aimed at supporting the best possible outcome for the individuals involved.
If a student is struggling with personal and/or emotional issues, behavior reflecting these struggles may surface in the classroom. Strongly communicate your care and concern for the student.
Any talk or writing in assignments about suicide should be taken seriously. If a student expresses suicidal thoughts to you, it is imperative that you report this to the Behavioral Intervention Team.
Do not hesitate to call Public Safety for help with a situation (1111 or 413-775-1111 from off-campus) or to contact the Wellness Center (1337/1332 or 413-775-1337/1332).
The College does not disclose personally identifiable information to persons other than appropriate college officials, except for directory information which is generally available unless a student specifically requests that it not be disclosed. Refer to FERPA (Family Education Rights & Privacy Act) for more information.
Consult the academic catalog/student handbook or contact the Office for the Registrar for information.