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Peer Tutoring


One-on-one peer tutoring is available for most GCC courses as a free resource for all GCC students at a wide variety of times, including evenings and weekends. The Peer Tutoring suite is located on the fourth-floor core, above the library. Appointments can be in person Monday through Friday and virtual any time.


Peer tutoring is provided free to GCC students who want assistance with GCC course work and wish to improve academic performance. Peer tutors offer the following:

  • Math Assistance Support for all math courses at GCC, along with support for math content in all other courses at the College.
  • Writing Assistance Support for writing in any course and at all stages of the writing process: understanding assignments, talking through and organizing ideas, revising, editing, citations, etc.
  • Support with Other Course Content Including support in the sciences, information technology, business, world languages and more.
  • Help Navigating Online Course Content

Typically, tutors and students work together to better understand assignments, review course material, prepare for tests, practice successful strategies, and develop study skills.

The Peer Tutoring Program co-coordinators are available to meet with students to discuss academic support and provide math placement advising.

Peer tutoring is offered in person (in the Peer Tutoring suite, 4th floor core) and virtually, via Google Meet. Visit for details and resources or to request an appointment; call us at (413) 775-1330; email; or stop in!

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