About GCC
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Student Life & Enrichment
Workforce Development
Community Engagement
Full-Time Faculty — All full-time faculty are assigned an office with a computer and a phone. The phone has a voice mail system with on-phone assistance to help you set up your voice mail box. An office key will be requested for you, and it is advisable to keep the door locked when the office is not in use.
Adjunct Faculty — All adjunct faculty have access to two Adjunct Faculty Service Centers (N225 and E122). These include lockers, private workstations, copiers, scanners, printers desks, and soft furniture. Private office space can be reserved online for meeting with students (N229, N230, E123A, E123C).
If you need access to your office during times when the college is closed, call Public Safety on your arrival at (413) 775-1112. Also, please let the officer know when you leave so we can know how many people are in the building in case of an emergency. If campus is closed due to weather or any other emergency, NO ONE will be allowed on campus except for designated personnel.
In addition to a key for your office, you can, with the approval of the VP of Academic Affairs, request additional keys for entry into specialized classrooms, faculty support offices, etc. A request will be sent on your behalf to Facilities Management for processing. Contact an administrative assistant.