Zine Library Our current zine collection is a collaboration with the GCC Art Department. GCC art students have created many of the zines here. The zines are for in-library use only. The Zine Library is located next to the reference desk, just in front of Tim Dolan's office (C300K). Do you make zines? We would be happy to add your work to our collection! Contact us at library@gcc.mass.edu or stop by the library. What is a zine? Zines are basically small, self-published magazines that are usually written by one person and distributed through an intricate network of individuals and collectives. Zines are about diversity, creativity, innovation, and expression. As a group, zines deliberately lack cohesion of form or function, representing as they do individual visions and ideals rather than professional or corporate objectives. With zines, anything goes. Anything. They can be about toasters, food, a favorite television show, thrift stores, anarchism, candy, bunnies, sexual abuse, architecture, war, gingerbread men, activism, retirement homes, comics, eating disorders, Barbie dolls— you name it. There are personal zines, music zines, and sports zines, zines about politics and zines about pop culture. There is infinite variety to be found in the content, format, and construction of zines, and there are no rules or restrictions to speak of. If you can imagine it and create it, you can make it into a zine. Excerpted from: Bartel, Julie. From A to Zine : Building a Winning Zine Collection in Your Library. Chicago, IL, USA: ALA Editions, 2005. ProQuest ebrary. Web. 31 August 2015.