Claire Lobdell

Claire Lobdell
Claire Lobdell | | 413.775.1834

Claire Lobdell is the Distance Education Librarian and Archivist at Greenfield Community College. In addition to providing library services to distance education classes, she also teaches in person. In 2018, Claire was part of the inaugural cohort of the Library Freedom Institute, and she continues to work on digital privacy and anti-surveillance issues.

Before coming to GCC in 2017, Claire worked for close to a decade in libraries and archives, including Wood Memorial Library and Museum, Amherst College, The John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum, and Bunker Hill Community College. In 2017, she published South Windsor, an installment in the Images of America book series. She has an MSLIS from Simmons College (now University) and a BA in history from Cornell University.

Research Interests

Digital privacy for abortion rights, teaching with primary sources, and oral history.

GCC Service

Distance Education Committee (MCCC delegation chair, 2021-2022)
Gender and Women's Studies Group
Student Development Committee (Co-Chair, 2018-2020)

Lesson Plans and Resources

The Digital Traces of Pregnancy: Protecting Yourself in a Post-Roe World
Evidence of a Life: An Introduction to Primary Sources

Thinking about digital privacy, including the Rewards and Risks of Convenience
The Gossip Activity
Privacy resource sheet
Resource list for Interrupting White Nationalism

Publications and Presentations

Lobdell, C. (2023, May). Privacy and reproductive rights: What you need to know. Presentation at Massachusetts Library Association Annual Conference, Falmouth, MA.
Lobdell, C. (2023, March). Interrupting white nationalism: Proactive professional development for democracy. Presentation at ACRL, Pittsburgh, PA.

Lobdell, C. (2022, June). Interrupting white nationalism: Professional development at a community college. Presentation at MCO, Massachusetts Colleges Online eLearning Conference.

Bruce, S., Lobdell, C., & Wesolek, A. (2020, December). Current Issues Panel Discussion - Privacy Literacy. ACRL IS Virtual Engagement Committee online discussion.

Harrington, L., Dolan, T., & Lobdell, C. (2020). Greenfield Community College: Finding value in the process. In C. Gardner, E. Galoozis, & R. Halpern (Eds.), Hidden Architectures of Information Literacy Programs: Structures, Practices, and Contexts. Chicago: Association of College & Research Libraries.

Lobdell, C. (2019, December). The Gossip Activity: Evaluating Information. Presentation at NELIG Instruction Swap, New Britain, CT.

Kinney, M., Lobdell, C., & McElroy, K. (2019, April). Preaching digital privacy at academic institutions: How to raise awareness and take action to combat surveillance at your school. Virtual conference webcast at ACRL, Cleveland, OH.

Lobdell, C. (2019, January). A harm-reduction approach to digital privacy. Presentation at NEASIS&T, Worcester, MA.

Condon, P., Healey, K., Hamalainen, H., & Lobdell, C. (2018, October). The Ethics of Big Data (panel discussion). UNH Manchester Sidore Lecture Series, Manchester, NH.

Lobdell, C. (2018). History Day: Opportunities for engagement and outreach. New England Archivists Newsletter, 14(4), 4-6.

Arnell, A., & Lobdell, C. (2018, April). Student historians: Strategies for building strong researchers and inclusivity. Presentation at Teaching, Learning, and Student Development, Pittsfield, MA.

Austen, B., Bauer, E., Chiles, M., & Lobdell, C. (2017, September). Whose history? Community outreach and partnerships to cultivate representation and diversity in our collections. Facilitated discussion at New England Archivists Fall Meeting.

Lobdell, C. (2017). South Windsor. Charleston, SC: Arcadia Publishing.

Lobdell, C. (2016). Many Voices, One Vision: The Early Years of the World Heritage Convention [book review]. Oral History Review, 43(2), 468-470.

Cabrera, D., Colosi, L., & Lobdell, C. (2008). Systems thinking. Evaluation & Program Planning, 31(3), 299-310.

Lobdell, C., Yong, T., & Hoffmann, M. (2005). Host color preferences and short‐range searching behavior of the egg parasitoid Trichogramma ostriniae. Entomologia experimentalis et applicata, 116(2), 127-134.

Professional Affiliations

ACRL DLS Conference Program Planning Community (2019-2020)
ACRL IS Building Virtual Community Task Force (2018-2020)
New England Archivists (Newsletter Reviews editor, 2016-2019; Newsletter Committee Co-Chair 2018-2019)

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