Employer Resources Dear Employers, Thank you for thinking of our students and alumni, when it comes to meeting your hiring needs. We hope the resources and information included below will help you find motivated and qualified candidates to fill your internship or job opening(s). Additionally, please contact the Career Readiness and Internships team, if you have questions or need assistance. What We Cannot Promote Positions or events that are not hosted by a registered business (with the Massachusetts Secretary of State) Positions offered by an employer who does not have an EIN Contract positions paid via 1099 arrangements Positions that involve “pyramid” or multi-level marketing structures Positions being offered by most third party recruiters and staffing agencies, i.e. outside our region In-home, home-based services or other private jobs: babysitting, elder care, lawn care, home improvement jobs, etc. Entrepreneurship opportunities posted as jobs Opportunities that involve on-campus solicitation, sales, posting of materials, products or services Opportunities which require any fees/costs: application, participation, training, supplies/rentals, etc. \ Employers who do not create an employer account in Handshake or at least provide a usable job-related flier To Post an Internship Contact David Brown, the GCC Internship Coordinator, at brownd@gcc.mass.edu. In particular, we recommend providing paid (vs. unpaid) internships to the fullest extent possible, and we prioritize these internship experiences. This ensures that all motivated, talented, and smart students will be able to engage in potentially life-changing work-based learning experiences – regardless of their current income level. This strategy also increases the pipeline to your industry and workplace. Since most of our graduates continue living in this region, hosting an intern will give you an opportunity to field, orient, and train a potential job candidate and/or help increase the pool of qualified applicants living in this region. To Post Jobs If you currently have one or more (i.e. regional) job openings: Email dorans@gcc.mass.edu the following information: URL/hyperlink to a job posting Title of the position Business/organization name City/town and state where the work will be done Whether it is part-time or full-time Pay amount (a fixed amount or pay range) Contact the MassHire Franklin Hampshire Career Center (MHFHCC) Business Team to get your job posting(s) added to their Hot Job Lists and the statewide JobQuest job search Job Recruitment Events If you are offering a free recruitment or professional development event, at your workplace, another location, or remotely, please email the following to dorans@gcc.mass.edu: (preferred) A hyperlink or URL to a webpage that includes/features and describes your event A flyer – with a white background, if you would like us to print and post it on our bulletin board If you are looking for an opportunity to connect with students on campus: Contact the MassHire Franklin Hampshire Career Center (MHFHCC) Business Team about the job fairs that they organize and hold at GCC, as well as other locations in the region. More Employer Resources GCC Workforce Development – Helping employers train their team(s)! GCC OASIS Mentorship Program – Older Adults Seeking, Inspiring and Serving GCC student development and success MassHire Franklin Hampshire Career Center Business Services Team for Employers