Job Openings Featured Jobs Leased Housing Admin Assistant with Greenfield Housing Authority, $40- $45K/yr School Nurse Substitute with Chicopee Public Schools, Chicopee, per diem Generation Teach Summer Fellowship, various states, full-time, stipend $4,600/summer Summer Staff with North Country Camps, New York If you want to find a job, but you haven't drafted any cover letters, resumes, or reference sheets yet: Allow ample time to prepare for your job search. Make an appointment with the GCC Career Readiness Coordinator, as soon as possible. Utilize Get-A-Job Docs web pages - to draft or upgrade your application materials. Strengthen your Get-A-Job Strategies by reading and practicing various strategies. Use 2-4 job search engines featured in this web page. Employers, please refer to our Employer Resources webpage for more information. Job Search Engines Handshake is the #1 way college students get jobs and internships! Although GCC no longer partners with Handshake, students can use their GCC email address to use the free version of Handshake: create an electronic profile/portfolio, search for jobs, and attend remote job recruitment events. Regional & State Job Search Engines JobQuest (by MassHire Franklin Hampshire Career Center/MHFHCC) Hot Jobs Lists (by MHFHCC) Franklin Hampshire Hot Jobs List Pioneer Valley Region Hot Jobs List North Quabbin Region Hot Jobs List Quaboag Area Hot Jobs List Jobs in the Valley Popular Nation-wide Job Search Engines (jobs & non-credit internships +) Industry-specific Job Search Engines for.. Science Positions STEMjobs National Science Foundation (NSF): summer Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REUs) EcoLog-L: Opportunities for ecologists Scientists in Parks Fellowships Texas A&M University’s Wildlife and Fisheries Job Board Manufacturing Positions Abbe (manufacturing jobs) Health & Social Services Positions National Institutes of Health (NIH) Undergraduate Scholarship Program (UGSP) PsychologyJobs Human Service Forum (local non-profit jobs) Education Positions School Spring (K-12 education jobs) HigherEdJobs Non-Profits Positions + Idealist (non-profit jobs) Philanthrosee (entry-level & early career jobs – philanthropic sector) Criminal Justice Positions PoliceApp Government Job Search Engines Find Your Future Commonwealth Job (state govt jobs) (federal jobs) Employee Reviews of Businesses & Organizations MassHire Franklin Hampshire Career Center (Free!) MassHire Career Centers are free quasi-public agencies which help individuals achieve their employment goals and more! Visit your regional MassHire Career Center online to learn more, become a member, register for webinars or make an appointment. MassHire Career Center Locator MassHire Franklin Hampshire Career Center MassHire Holyoke Career Center MassHire Springfield Career Center MassHire Franklin Hampshire Career Center Job Quest (job search engine) Taxi Service for Late Shift Jobs in Franklin County Many Franklin County manufacturers and health care employers are hiring right now on 2nd & 3rd shift for well-paying jobs with benefits and overtime opportunities. If you live in Franklin County and work a late shift job or want to work those shifts but lack transportation, there is a solution. The Franklin Regional Transit Authority (FRTA) has started a grant-funded Uber-like taxi service to help you get to work! Rides are free and door-to-door for the first month. Contact FRTA Assistant Administrator, Michael Perreault, at: (413) 774-2262 Ext. 105 or