Career Planning

Give your career development a boost by drafting a career/academic plan.

Writing down your career/academic goals will help you achieve them - if you review and revise your plan regularly. Career development plans are most effective when they include a mix of short and long-term SMART goals, next steps, and specific time frames or deadlines.

HUD 135: Career Exploration & Planning Course (1-credit)

Introduces students to the career exploration and planning process. Students use online tools and supplemental resources to complete self-assessments, engage in self-reflection, gather information about careers of interest, and relate potential careers to educational opportunities. Through this class, students create an action plan for achieving their education and career goals.

If you have questions about the content of the class, please contact Shannon Doran at .

If you would like to register for this class, please contact:

Career Planning Overview

The following article includes a broad overview of the process, but there is a lot more to it.  Make an appointment to receive customized support with this process or sign up for the HUD 135 class.

Other Career Exploration Resources

Career Planning Guide Chart